In a recent post, I was talking about how to do physical checks payments the right way in S/4. Now in this one, I will show you how to generate Payment Advices in S/4 HANA. If you read my previous post, if not you should, you will know that the Tab "printout / data medium" has been removed and it just does not exists in the Fiori App "Manage Automatic Payments" which replaces Tcode F110. So another drawback of this, is the lack of possibility to select your Program Variant to issue your Payment Advice.
But ... there is no PMW (Payment Medium Workbench) solution for this as we have for Checks. In this case SAP has "hardcoded" it (literally) in the Fiori App "Manage Automatic Payments" to look for a specific Variant Name under program RFFOAVIS_FPAYM. If you do not have this Variant in your system, no matter what you do and try, your Payment Advices will not be generated.
Up until version 1809 FPS01, you needed to create this Program Variant manually. Now they woke up and they included it out-of-the-box. So if you are working on 1610, 1709 or initial 1809 chances are that you were (or are) missing this Variant. If you have it, it might mean that someone created it already.
Variant name required and "hardcoded" is: PAYM_LC
There is even an OSS Note (2690678 - Manage Automatic Payments: Cannot Print or Send Payment Advices) that SAP released that explains the issue and what you have to do.
Reference OSS Note:
2690678 - Manage Automatic Payments: Cannot Print or Send Payment Advices
If your Company and/or Project needs to implement this, or any of the functionalities described in my Blog, or advise about them, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to provide you my services.