Showing posts with label BSEG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BSEG. Show all posts

Feb 8, 2011

ECC6.0 Accounting Document tables

Just to start this Blog with a small and easy post.

Traditional Acounting tables are:
BKPF - Accounting Document Header, header for each accounting document posted.
BSEG - Accounting Document Segment, that has the line items for each accounting document posted in the FI Module.

But as with the NewGL activated, other tables are now being populated too besides the traditional old accounting tables.
FAGLFLEXA  - General Ledger: Actual Line Items
FAGLFLEXP  -  General Ledger: Plan Line Items
FAGLFLEXT  -  General Ledger: Totals

NewGL table FAGLFLEXA has the line item details similar to the old fashioned BSEG. Now in this table you will be able to see in each individual line item the Profit Center derived for every individual line by the Document Splitting engine / functionality.

Before NewGL, BSEG had the Profit Center (BSEG-PRCTR) but was not being populated in each individual line item with the Profit Center. In most cases PRCTR was empty.

When displaying an FI Document with Tcode FB03, the first screen displays your document as if you were seeing BSEG records (this is called the "Entry View").

But if you press the "General Ledger View" button in the buttons toolbar area, the screen will switch and you will see the records as from table FAGLFLEXA.

If your Company and/or Project needs to implement this, or any of the functionalities described in my Blog, or advise about them, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to provide you my services.