For COPA - Profitability Analysis purposes, in S/4 HANA the series of "Market Segment" Fiori Apps have replaced the good old fashion Report / Tcode KE30 where we used to build custom reports based on Report Painter technology. Now this is part of the past and we need to use these new "Market Segment" Fiori Apps in order to do Profitability COPA reporting.
Note: This is all based on the assumption that you are running "Account Based Profitability" as it is the recommended approach today for S/4 HANA. Also my preffered one as per many years of experience running both. (Account vs. Costing based).
Now, on an Account Based model COPA, you run all your Profitability Analysis based on GL Accounts postings. For that, in order to do Profitability reporting / reports, you have to build a Financial Statement Version (FSV) (Hierarchy Type FSVN, in Tcode HRRP_REP).
Once you built your Profitability FSV, you just need to run Tcode HRRP_REP (Step #2 from my previous Blog post) to replicate it.
In order to create your FSV, you need to follow this IMG Path.
Then you will and create you own custom FSV for Profitability Purposes. Ex: YPA2
You will enter a description, a Maintenance Language and an applicable Chart of Accounts for this FSV. All the same as if you were configuring any other FSV as you did in the past for FI purposes.
Then you will click in "Financial Statement Items" to start building your Hierarchies and GL groupings.
This is the Standard SAP Best Practices Contribution Margin report (Profitability). I suggest you take a copy of it and create your own "Z / Y" one as per your specific business requirements.
Once created and saved, you will replicate it with Tcode HRRP_REP (as explained in Step #2 from my previous Blog post).
One is for Management and Internal reporting (FSV COPA) and the other for External Financial reporting (FSV FI).
They both use the same config tool, as SAP decided to use this concept for both things; but they are definitively not the same and should not be confused with one another.
Another thing that you might have noticed, is that when you define your FSV options; Functional Area is not flagged in this YPA2 Contribution Margin Report as you do not use Functional Area for Profitability Reporting. In my opinion, Functional Area should only be used for External reporting and not for Management reporting.
Note: This is all based on the assumption that you are running "Account Based Profitability" as it is the recommended approach today for S/4 HANA. Also my preffered one as per many years of experience running both. (Account vs. Costing based).
Now, on an Account Based model COPA, you run all your Profitability Analysis based on GL Accounts postings. For that, in order to do Profitability reporting / reports, you have to build a Financial Statement Version (FSV) (Hierarchy Type FSVN, in Tcode HRRP_REP).
Once you built your Profitability FSV, you just need to run Tcode HRRP_REP (Step #2 from my previous Blog post) to replicate it.
In order to create your FSV, you need to follow this IMG Path.
Then you will and create you own custom FSV for Profitability Purposes. Ex: YPA2
You will enter a description, a Maintenance Language and an applicable Chart of Accounts for this FSV. All the same as if you were configuring any other FSV as you did in the past for FI purposes.
Then you will click in "Financial Statement Items" to start building your Hierarchies and GL groupings.
This is the Standard SAP Best Practices Contribution Margin report (Profitability). I suggest you take a copy of it and create your own "Z / Y" one as per your specific business requirements.
Once created and saved, you will replicate it with Tcode HRRP_REP (as explained in Step #2 from my previous Blog post).
Please do not confuse this FSV for COPA / Profitability with your other FSV that you might have created (or not) for FI purposes (I mean your Financial Statements). These are 2 different things / concepts.One is for Management and Internal reporting (FSV COPA) and the other for External Financial reporting (FSV FI).
They both use the same config tool, as SAP decided to use this concept for both things; but they are definitively not the same and should not be confused with one another.
Another thing that you might have noticed, is that when you define your FSV options; Functional Area is not flagged in this YPA2 Contribution Margin Report as you do not use Functional Area for Profitability Reporting. In my opinion, Functional Area should only be used for External reporting and not for Management reporting.
If your Company and/or Project needs to implement this, or any of the functionalities described in my Blog, or advise about them, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to provide you my services.
Excellent write up ..kudos