Feb 26, 2011

Transport Chart of Accounts and Company Code Chart of Accounts dependent Data

If you want to transport the Chart of Accounts, there are 2 parts that you need to keep in mind in order to transport it.

First part, you transport the Chart of Account itself with Tcode OBY9. In this transaction you transport only the General part of the Chart of Account as account numbers, descriptions, type of account and other general data.

As soon as you open the transaction it will ask you to provide a transport request for your activity.

Select Transport Request
After selecting the transport, you need to specify the Chart of Accounts number / Code that you wish to transport.
Select Chart of Accounts Code / Number
Then you will access to OBY9 main screen where you can select different options.
OBY9 - Main Screen - Transport Chart of Accounts
Here select "Accounts in Chart of Accounts" and also "name in all languages", so if you have more than one language in your system it will transfer the descriptions in all the languages that you have maintained.

As part of this transaction you can also have the chance to include in your transport request other FICO account determinations such as, FI account determination, AM account determination, CO account determination, MM, HR and SD.

By doing this you only transport the General part of the Chart of Accounts but you do not include the Company Code dependent settings of your individual accounts. If you have only 1 Company code, that is not a mayor problem. But ... if you have several company codes that uses the same chart of accounts that can be a real maintenance problem to create or maintain that in each individual environment. 

As part of my experience, I've been working in an implementation where the customer had 43 Company Codes. Yes, I am not mistaken, they had 43 and all in the same country and province. So in this case we needed something quicker in order to maintain and transport the Chart of Accounts for that huge amount of Companies.

As I mentioned before, I was talking about 2 parts for this process...

The second part of this process is to Transport the Company Code dependent data. For this there is no official transaction (as far as I know) and you need to get yourself inside of the transport management to do a couple of things manually.

Assuming that you already have a transport request created, you will use Tcode: SE09 - Transport Organizer; and select the "Display" button.
SE09 - Transport Organizer
SE09 - Display Transports

You will get the list of all your transports. Then select the transport that you will use to include this activity. Ex. like this transport that I created. Do a double-click in your sub-activity / transport task.

Transport Request selection.

In your "Objects" tab where you have the details of the information that you have in that transport, modify your transport by clicking in "Pencil icon" to edit your transport. Add a line like this 
TABU Object Type and Object name SKB1
 Include R3TR (Object) as Program ID, TABU Object Type (which means "Table of Contents") and then in Object Name SKB1 which is the table that has the Company Code Dependent data for the Chart of Accounts.

Once you add the line, do a double click to indicate which are the keys of the table that you want to transport.

SKB1 Keys
As you can see in this example, "200" represents the Golden client where I am transporting from, "1000" the Company Code data that I want to transport and "*" for all records in that key.

Also in this example you can see that I included Company Codes 2000 and 3010.

You can include here as many entries or Company Codes that you want following this concatenated logic.

If your Company and/or Project needs to implement this, or any of the functionalities described in my Blog, or advise about them, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to provide you my services.

Feb 8, 2011

ECC6.0 Accounting Document tables

Just to start this Blog with a small and easy post.

Traditional Acounting tables are:
BKPF - Accounting Document Header, header for each accounting document posted.
BSEG - Accounting Document Segment, that has the line items for each accounting document posted in the FI Module.

But as with the NewGL activated, other tables are now being populated too besides the traditional old accounting tables.
FAGLFLEXA  - General Ledger: Actual Line Items
FAGLFLEXP  -  General Ledger: Plan Line Items
FAGLFLEXT  -  General Ledger: Totals

NewGL table FAGLFLEXA has the line item details similar to the old fashioned BSEG. Now in this table you will be able to see in each individual line item the Profit Center derived for every individual line by the Document Splitting engine / functionality.

Before NewGL, BSEG had the Profit Center (BSEG-PRCTR) but was not being populated in each individual line item with the Profit Center. In most cases PRCTR was empty.

When displaying an FI Document with Tcode FB03, the first screen displays your document as if you were seeing BSEG records (this is called the "Entry View").

But if you press the "General Ledger View" button in the buttons toolbar area, the screen will switch and you will see the records as from table FAGLFLEXA.

If your Company and/or Project needs to implement this, or any of the functionalities described in my Blog, or advise about them, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to provide you my services.